Guns silence thousands of innocent lives every year. Using ai technology, we re-created the voices of those shot and killed by guns so they can call our representatives in hopes of changing our country's gun laws.

Let’s Begin
This experience
uses audio
uses audio
Hear Joaquin’s story

Joaquin Oliver was 17 when he was murdered by a mass shooter at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School on Valentine's day in 2018.
Enter your zip code to find your local representative.
Impact Analysis
This year’s gun violence numbers are staggering, but every call helps assure that those numbers are being faced by our representatives. Outraged by the numbers?
Help change them by sending an ai call to congress above.
AI calls submitted to representatives through the Shotline
Last updated on 02/17/25
Number of Mass Shootings in 2024
Total Number of GV Deaths in 2024
Common Sense Gun Laws Passed by Federal Legislation in 2024
Contributions to change the ref help fund the shotline campaign as well as future campaign efforts. Please consider donating so we can continue to pressure congress to act to end gun violence.
DonateHave you lost a
loved one to gun violence?
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All gun violence data is sourced from and based on information from gun violence archive. The opinions on this site are not those of gun violence archive.